Friday, November 30, 2007

Week 6: # 14 Technorati

Well, Technorati has so much to look at. All those story lines and articles and what not. I found a pretty interesting article on a new type of IPOD cover.... apparently its the most sexy cover ever. somehow they put the silicone implant and an ipod cover into one thing... weird. Wait to tell all my ipod crazy friends....

But I can see myself surfing this for hours reading all sorts of stuff...

I thought the WTF (where's the fire) tab was amusing.... at first I thought wow they actually put that one the frontpage of ths site... but then realize its not the bad version that orignally thought it was....

WTF in today's language or text language if you will is actually

W - What
T - The
F - *expletive*

I guess its a way of cursing without really cursing because you are only typing letters. but i digress....

Technorati - pretty cool.

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