Wednesday, February 10, 2010

#79: Television

I use Hulu all the time, since I don't have cable or even decent digital tv reception, this has been my tv savior. My work schedule varies, some times I get home at 5:30PM and sometimes I get home at 8:15 so I am never on a real time schedule when it comes to chores, tv, or anything else. But whenever I find myself with some spare time, I can catch up on my shows on Hulu. I have watched "dead like me", "The Simpsons", and "House".

I have never watched a tv show on my phone, unfortunately my phone is not high tech enought to have that capability. My husbands phone however, has some internet access through the 3G network an he is able to wach a few things on his phone. I don't think I would be interested in this, I don't like the fact that I would have to strain my eyes to see the image on a screen no bigger than 2" x 3".

I enjoy Youtube, I find alot of interesting videos on there. I don't really have a particular channel that I watch, but my husband, the video junkie, loves to watch a Youtube channel, called the Shaytards. I hear the opening credits to the show every morning when I wake up, my husband works the night shift so he unwinds in the mornings with videos and video games.
I myself have never posted any videos on a website, I don't find an interest in that. I do however share the occasional humorous video from YouTube via Facebook.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Searching #78: Video

My search topic for videos: Pekingese Puppies ( I love pekingese dogs)

I used Truveo first, then I used Blinkx.

I definitely prefer Blinkx, I love the fact that the thumbnails for each video was animated, this helped me see the content of the video without having to open each video separately. I think this feature cuts down of the time it takes to search for a video. With Blinkx, I had to click on each video then wait for it to load and play before I even got an idea of what type of content was in it.

I visited the HCPL’s YouTube channel and found a lot more videos than I would have expected. Some have very good production methods whereas others were more straightforward. All in all I was very impressed with the quality of the content of the videos. I think if the videos were tagged with more keywords, it would put HCPL more in the public eye. I think our patrons would like more "How to" videos that show them how to do certain library related things. An example would be "how to get a print card", or "how to send a document to the print station". Our Young adult librarian has a great repoire with the teens and I am sure they might be interested in taking part in creating the video. People tend to comprehend pictures and live action videos more so than having to read a paragraph.

Searching #77: Images

This module kind of frustrated me. AllFreeClipArt was not very helpful, I spent most of my time just trying to find a single image, I got things that were relevent to the subject matter but never the actual subject I was looking for. I lost count after clicking so many times.

I prefer the usage of Flickr, it has so much content and the user interface is easy to use. I even found a very talented photographer, a Houston Native. Meet TinyAlice. She has some very nice pictures on Flickr.

I visited and found some ok pictures. I didn't like that I had to click on advanced search in order to type in what I wanted. I suppose if you had a very very general idea of what kind of picture you wanted, food for example, then this website would be for you. However you would have to pay a price for it and it had a limitation on how many times you could use it. That doesn't seem too Free to me. I think I will use another site instead.

I have used the clipart program available to HCPL staff in the past and have found it very helpful. At Aldine Library, I am in charge of the Recycling Program so I make quite a few flyers and this has a plethora of images that I can use.

This image will work perfectly for one of my recycling program flyers!

Image credit: © 2009 Jupiterimages Corp.