Monday, February 8, 2010

Searching #78: Video

My search topic for videos: Pekingese Puppies ( I love pekingese dogs)

I used Truveo first, then I used Blinkx.

I definitely prefer Blinkx, I love the fact that the thumbnails for each video was animated, this helped me see the content of the video without having to open each video separately. I think this feature cuts down of the time it takes to search for a video. With Blinkx, I had to click on each video then wait for it to load and play before I even got an idea of what type of content was in it.

I visited the HCPL’s YouTube channel and found a lot more videos than I would have expected. Some have very good production methods whereas others were more straightforward. All in all I was very impressed with the quality of the content of the videos. I think if the videos were tagged with more keywords, it would put HCPL more in the public eye. I think our patrons would like more "How to" videos that show them how to do certain library related things. An example would be "how to get a print card", or "how to send a document to the print station". Our Young adult librarian has a great repoire with the teens and I am sure they might be interested in taking part in creating the video. People tend to comprehend pictures and live action videos more so than having to read a paragraph.

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