Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Publishing Evolution #82: Print on Demand

I knew there were self publishing authors but I never knew how they got their books published, the quality of some of the books I've seen are questionable but other seem to look really well done. I would have to say I like Authorhouse the best, it seems to give aspiring offers more of a choice and their content is clear and concise, they know what they are getting for the price they pay. It seems more established as a company, and does not leave the consumer guessing. You know to click on the "bookstore" tab to see the available selections and some of them appear very appealing.

I have not read any of them because majority that I have seen so far and they are of the urban fiction genre. Let's just say that is not my kind of reading material and the editing seems questionable at times. However, there may be one day where I come across another self published book that isn't urban fiction and I may end up reading it. Some of the undiscovered talent are pretty good, I find alot online though.

My opinion on self publishing? Well I like the idea, but I think books that go through the actual book processes, like editing and revisions end up being better quality. Some people have trouble organizing there thoughts and if they were to publish a book, it might be in all sorts of order making the reader somewhat confused. I find that the ones that have gone through the process, have gone through revisions and have been looked at by numerous people. So I guess I prefer the traditional route.

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