Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Future of Media #80: Movies

I love watching movies on my computer, whether it be a DVD in the actual console or online. My husband and I watch movies on the computer at least 4 out of 5 times when it comes to home entertainment. I prefer the TV so we use a special connection to hook up the computer to the tv. The screen is much bigger and allows us to watch the movie on a larger screen. We have watched "Band of the Hand" and "The Lost Boys" through one of the websites my husband found. Hulu had a trailer for The Karate Kid II, that seemed pretty interesting. Normally when we are watching streaming movies, trailers come on, and I find that pretty cool and it definitely lets you know what is coming up. The Last Airbender is coming out and my husband was very excited when he saw the trailer for that movie , I was pretty intrigued when I found out M. Knight Shyamalan was going to take part as well. We like watching "Avatar:The last airbender." We have also used Netflix; I love the availability of online movies through them. We have tried Redbox before but sometimes found the selection rather bland or uninteresting so we stick to online services. Netflix is a great service but the extra cost does not fit into our budget so we just use the free websites available on the net.

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