Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring Cleaning Stuff #28 unclutter cyberspace

Getting things done have always been troublesome at times for me. I start a project or a task but then get called out to the circ desk to resolve a customer issue and by the time I get back I only have 5 minutes left in the day. So by the time I get back to the task I forget what I was workig on. To help me deal with it, I made a to do list that I keep on my profile and I just go through mentally checking off things I've done. It stops me from forgetting other projects I need to work on and helps me keep track of my progress.
I use lists when I am given something I can't get to at the moment. It acts as my reminder to get back to it when time allows for it to be done. I also try to consolodate my planners, home and work, that way I have my schedules all in one place.
I think it works pretty well, I try to be ahead so I don't fall behind, it allows for sudden changes.

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